Radiation Tolerant Media Converter

Our CTF-QUAD integrated products for 850nm and 1300nm multi-mode optics are completely tested along with the electronics for use in these systems. Any customers involved in high altitude platforms, space applications, or any application involved in warfare should take notice and be targets for our qualified technology. Along with qualification data in vibration, temperature, shock, and others, HSS had compelling value proposition for media conversion, high speed copper, and fiber optic product line.
Features & Benefits:
- CTF-Quad electronics and optical sub-assemblies were tested in the radiation environment
- Optical sub-assemblies and electronics for 850nm multi-mode optics for up to 4.25Gbps signaling
- Optical sub-assemblies and electronics for 1300nm (LED) multi-mode optics for speeds from 1 to 150Mbps
Example Component